Connect Marketplace Pre-Registration

The VetValue Connect Marketplace is Coming Soon (expected in Fall 2025). Its launch promises to completely change how the ownership of veterinary practices is transitioned

Pre-register today to benefit from a significant discount and achieve a substantially better outcome on your 2025 – 2026 Practice Ownership Transition / Sale(1)

    • First 5 practice owners to pre-register will receive a 50% discount on the Process Application and Success Fees (such savings could exceed $100K)(2)(3)
    • Next 5 to pre-register will receive a 30% discount on Application and Success Fee (such savings could exceed $50K)(2)(3)
    • Next 5 to pre-register will receive a 10% discount on Application and Success Fee (such savings could exceed $25K)(2)(3)

VetValue Connect Market Place is Revolutionizing the Practice Sale Process

Leveraging 21st Century Technology to Create

Better Outcomes – Higher value, better-tailored terms & partner “fit”

Lower Risk – seller is always “in control,” through superior process consistency/transparency and protection of “sensitive information”

Lower Cost – fees about half of industry norms, as low as 1.5%

More Efficient – eliminate unnecessary distractions from operating your practice

(1) For DVM Practice Owners considering an ownership transition to a corporate only (for now).  Practices with <3 full-time equivalent (FTE) DVMs may use our “Discount Brokerage” product only, while those with 3 or more FTE DVMs may use Discount Brokerage, Full-Service Brokerage or Strategic and Financial Advisory.  Each offering provides a different service level and a different fee structure.  You may contact us at, or join our community here: to learn more about the option that is best for you.

(2) Those who provide their contact information to us below will reserve a spot on the pre-registration list. To keep the spot on the list and lock in the savings shown, participants must sign an engagement letter within 60 days of signing up to the list.  We offer three different services: Discount Brokerage, Full-service Brokerage and Strategic Financial Advisory.

(3) The execution of an engagement letter for any of these services within 60 days of joining the pre-registration list qualifies you for the discounts shown. Application Fees begin at $1,000 per FTE DVM. They are partially refundable.  Success Fees range from 1.5% to 5% or more of Sale Value, depending on practice size and the service used.  Success Fees are paid when a deal closes.  For instance, if a six FTE DVM practice is sold for $11.7M through our discount brokerage service, the total success fee would be ~$260K (2.25%) for which a 50% discount is worth $180K.